Happy Holidays from Home Gig
/This year Home Gig is all about nostalgia. While archiving old photos and creating homemade heirloom crochet gifts for friends and family, we are enjoying the holidays while keeping busy with Home Gig’s exciting new projects for 2015.
Lauren has been staging our client’s house for sale in the West Newton as well as decorating and accommodating our clients holiday needs. From shopping to holiday installations, it’s been an eventful season all around, filled with traditional touches and festive layers of green, red, and gold.
Eivar has been working on branding for our client Eternity Clothing Line which has been extremely stimulating and challenging at the same time. She has been keeping busy completing custom holiday and wedding invitations while working on fine-tuning our client’s website.
Together we are working on Home Gig’s new appearance which will be launch in 2015.
On Stylegig’s wish list this year we are showcasing the many handmade artistic items we have enjoyed making and some of the charity work Home Gig has been supporting; including St. Jude Foundation, Wounded Warrior Foundation and the MSPCA.
Since Home Gig has been extra good this year, we couldn’t resist including some of the gifts we lust after, but love and family is all the presents we need.
What’s on your Wishlist?
Happy Holidays and Winter Wishes! ~Lauren and Eivar