Psychedelic Sea Bass

The Edgartown Board of Trade is excited to launch the second annual Bass In the Grass Fundraiser in honor of the Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby this fall. The initiative will help raise money for local artists and the Derby Scholarship Fund, a fund that gives to qualified Vineyard students annually by the Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby, Inc.

Starting the fourth week of September, be sure to bid on your favorite Bass by October 20th for a chance to have a piece of the island in your home

Check out Homegig’s Groovy Psychedelic Sea Bass | A mindful collaboration of manifestation, we incorporated Zentangled patterns and swirling vibrant colors inside shapes, mandalas, peace signs, waves and kaleidoscope eyes. This groovy Seabass is a nod to the 50th anniversary of Woodstock!
Artists: HomeGig Creative Services Lauren Giglio, Eileen Steward, Eivar Montanez
Homegig is a hub of designers, stylists and marketers located on Martha’s Vineyard
Sponsor: Murdick's Fudge

Homegig’s Bass in the Grass 2019

Homegig’s Bass in the Grass 2019


Home Gig Creative Services

Welcome. Home Gig is a boutique creative agency in business since 2012 and growing daily. We are a powerhouse team able to reach a large network of clients with the ability to provide a wide range of design and creative needs. Home Gig specializes in home management, marketing planning, and creative services. We offer a variety of a la carte services to suit your marketing needs, including, rental refreshers; graphic design; event/photo shoot styling and staging; home management; and personal services. We would love to start a conversation about how we can help you with your current and long-term home and design needs.

"All Things Corduroy"

Corduroy textiles conjure up a number of connotations: for many of us it is the adorable Don Freeman picture book “Corduroy”, for some it is the fabric of a dependable work pant, or the name of track 8 of Pearl Jam’s Vitalogy, or grooved slopes of the freshly groomed ski slope. For others among us it is the velveteen ribbed texture that reminds us of the annual transition to our autumn wardrobe. Regardless of our personal associations, what makes the original corduroy textile unique is the way that it is both a luxurious velvet texture and a durable, inexpensive product at the same time. At Home Gig, it seems to us that it is precisely this dialectic quality that draws our attention to all things corduroy.

Home Gig recently had the opportunity to work with architect Dave Johnson of Skaala, LLC, and Bob Stafford and Mark Ellis of Carpenters and Co. to oversee the production of a design story on the “Corduroy” House to be featured in an upcoming edition of Martha’s Vineyard Magazine.


Day of the Shoot:

By the time photographer David Welch arrived to set up his cameras at the house for the photo shoot, Home Gig was ready with fresh cut flowers in hand and our car full of photoshoot essentials. Throughout the day Lauren was constantly on hand to finesse the details of each composition. Her experienced eye was able to direct the shoot to capture the interplay of light and shadow that runs throughout the dynamic space and makes the home a true architectural artifact.

The residence, dubbed “Corduroy House” early in its conception, combines the elements we love in vernacular agrarian architecture — shed roofs, exposed structural elements, reclaimed wood materials — seamlessly alongside a commitment to thoughtful architecture that takes advantage of long vantages across the space.


We were reminded again of the dynamic quality of corduroy when we met Lilly Croning at the Featherstone Reception this past week. She was spotted in a hand sewn ensemble she put together from thrift store finds. We never cease to be amazed by the transformative properties of human creativity and corduroy!

What does corduroy mean to you?


Home Gig Creative Services

Welcome. Home Gig is a boutique creative agency in business since 2012 and growing daily. We are a powerhouse team able to reach a large network of clients with the ability to provide a wide range of design and creative needs. Home Gig specializes in home management, marketing planning, and creative services. We offer a variety of a la carte services to suit your marketing needs, including, rental refreshers; graphic design; event/photo shoot styling and staging; home management; and personal services. We would love to start a conversation about how we can help you with your current and long-term home and design needs.

September: What motivates us at Home Gig

Maybe it’s because September is the start of a new school year and that gets embedded in us, but I am all about renewal at this time of year. The air feels crisp and I feel motivated by the smells, the color, the light, the shadows, the cooler temperatures, and new opportunities for Home Gig.


What we’ve been up to

Traditionally September has been the time of year when we like to fill the days with photo shoots. As the summer comes to a close, the crowds have thinned out, and the light and sun offer us the best conditions for a successful shoot. We have been working with photographers David Welch and Frank Rapp producing photo shoots and editorial content with Martha’s Vineyard Magazine and Yankee Barn Homes, while putting the “shine work” on various real estate projects on the South Shore and on Martha’s Vineyard.  From staging & event preparation to various home projects, our team has been hard at work this summer.

Home Gig is excited to see our production and staging efforts reach the international market at Trends Home and Architecture Magazine. Eric Roth photographed this Hutker Architects designed home, which was previously featured in Martha’s Vineyard Magazine. Our work continues to amortize its marketing efforts and this motivates us even more.


Reap the Rewards

This summer Home Gig planted an Organic Victory Garden. It’s proven to be a real Victory by providing us a rich harvest of tomatoes, Concord Grapes, pumpkins, watermelon, and squash.  A labor of love, we feel fortunate for these natural gifts. I see Home Gig jelly/jam and Home Gig tomato sauce in our future.

Stay Tuned ~

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Home Gig Creative Services

Welcome. Home Gig is a boutique creative agency in business since 2012 and growing daily. We are a powerhouse team able to reach a large network of clients with the ability to provide a wide range of design and creative needs. Home Gig specializes in home management, marketing planning, and creative services. We offer a variety of a la carte services to suit your marketing needs, including, rental refreshers; graphic design; event/photo shoot styling and staging; home management; and personal services. We would love to start a conversation about how we can help you with your current and long-term home and design needs.

Influences of Independence

Home Gig can’t help but notice all things around us that are red, white and blue. We love this true Americana vibe this time of year when flags are flying and Four of July Fashion is on! We took the opportunity to photograph what surrounds us in nature that boasts the colors of our American Flag.

We hope you get the chance to celebrate the greatness of our country and all the many freedoms that we have this Independence Day 2013. 

Home Gig solutes all those who have served for our independence - especially our close friends and family members.

Sparkle, shine and celebrate!


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Home Gig Creative Services

Welcome. Home Gig is a boutique creative agency in business since 2012 and growing daily. We are a powerhouse team able to reach a large network of clients with the ability to provide a wide range of design and creative needs. Home Gig specializes in home management, marketing planning, and creative services. We offer a variety of a la carte services to suit your marketing needs, including, rental refreshers; graphic design; event/photo shoot styling and staging; home management; and personal services. We would love to start a conversation about how we can help you with your current and long-term home and design needs.